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Hyundai Motosport get i20 R5 Testing Under Way

Hyundai Motorsport have been busy testing their new Hyundai i20 R5 rally car which is based on the new generation Hyundai i20 that saw it's début in WRC spec at Rallye Monte-Carlo. Kevin Abbring took control of the new i20 R5 for the test which took place at the Fontjoncouse test base in southern France. 'We are thrilled to have begun testing of Hyundai Motorsport’s new R5 rally car,' said Hyundai Motorsport Customer Project Manager Andrea Adamo. 'This is the product of several months’ work by our team in Alzenau. Kevin carried out the initial test in Fontjoncouse last week and we have really hit the ground running. 'The first tests with the New Generation i20 R5 will be focused on...
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